“to stumble on a threshold”

An exhibition with Jack o Flynn and Johan Severin curated by Ruby Eleni





An exhibition with Jack o Flynn and Johan Severin
curated by Ruby Eleni

Opening evening: Thursday 3 November, 2022 18-21h
Opening times: Friday 4-Saturday 5 November 12-18

“to stumble on a threshold” is an experimental exhibition at NOGOODS, which spans sculpture, print-making and sound, Jack o Flynn and Johan Severin and consider different methods of revealing a threshold space. Making visible two realms in one space we, like the two-headed Janus, are caught in a current, a shifting middle ground teeming with alchemical potential and tension. A space for metamorphosis and collapse.

“Moving between (the sound of entering my front door and the sound of exiting my front door, the sound of boiling eggs and sound from the train, the sound of walking my son to kindergarten and the sound of gunshots from the mountains, the sound of rain outside my window and explosions) Sounds laser engraved on wood and printed on cloth diapers and a sound installation specific for the space.”
– Johan Severin

The exhibition was kindly supported by KMD Bergen, graphic design by @sottoradice.x.

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