A duo-exhibition by FRiDA ViKSTRöM and ViBE KiLDE.

The exhibition is dealing with the topic of liquid movements. Liquid that DRiBBLE, DRiPPLE and STREAM. This show is an ECO-SYSTEM of FLOWiNG LiQUiDS.
All The Pipes Go; pSht shWüSH glk!
We think of the DRiBBLE as a form for sWEaTing! Tiny outlets for internal pressure. The STREAM could be a trickle or a POwERful movement that can be utilized or work as a potential WrECking force. Something unSTOPPable! The DRiPPING – how Moisture can gather and become a collective body. As a Droplet. Falling! How repeated SOFTness against hard surfaces works like a DRiLL.
There will be readings throughout the exhibition period. iSiR ELiNE BRAATHEN will do a reading at The Opening.
Frida Vikström (they/them) MFA Bergen Art Academy,Department of Contemporary art, KMD/UiB.
Vibe Kilde (she/her) MFA The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, Skrivekunstakademiet Bergen.